
Player Development Blogs

Deeper detail into the player development position and field.

Community Impact Plan - Environment
Edward Jones II Edward Jones II

Community Impact Plan - Environment

The last and final step of the Beyond the Field Community Impact Plan is the environment. The impact which can be made in the environment is pretty evident to many. There is a ton of work around the country and world being done when it comes to this topic. With that said, there is still an impact waiting to be made in your local community. Here are a few ideas:

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Community Impact Plan - Health
Edward Jones II Edward Jones II

Community Impact Plan - Health

The third step of the BTF Community Impact Plan is creating opportunities to promote the health of the local community.

When I was at the University of Houston as the Director of Player Development, I was approached by an organization on campus. They wanted to combat the childhood obesity that was prevalent in the local community, specifically those who are minorities.

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Community Impact Plan - Hunger
Edward Jones II Edward Jones II

Community Impact Plan - Hunger

In this blog we discuss the next step in the Community Impact Plan, which is hunger. In this blog you’ll find out how to fight hunger in the local community that you serve.

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