Community Impact Plan - Health

This blog is the third blog in our Community Impact Plan Blog Series. Previously covered in this blog series:

1st Step Children - 

2nd Step Hunger - 

The third step of the BTF Community Impact Plan is creating opportunities to promote the health of the local community.

When I was at the University of Houston as the Director of Player Development, I was approached by an organization on campus. They wanted to combat the childhood obesity that was prevalent in the local community, specifically those who are minorities. At the time this was a new area of impact for myself and our program. After some preliminary meetings we came up with a plan where our athletes come and join in some of the physical activities they put on. The we’re about to start doing yoga for a few weeks and some of the boys thought guys didn’t do yoga. Our players came and showed those boys yoga was cool and taught them how it helped them as players. After a few sessions, the players wanted the kids of the program to come experience what football was like. We created 2 different events for this group centered around them seeing something new in our facilities. The first time we held a county fair like practice where the kids rotated at different stations inside the indoor facility. The second time we took them into the stadium, where we ran 40s and played flag football. These times with this organization were great and we were able to tangible see the kids understand the importance of exercise.

This is just one example of a health initiative that impacted the local community. There are plenty more which fall under: physical health, mental health, emotional health and social health. Find the need your community has and begin creating impact. 

Hope you enjoyed the blog. For more blogs and information on player development, click this link:

Listen to The Player Development Pod here: 

If you would like a digital copy of my book that dives deeper into player development, click this link: 

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Community Impact Plan - Environment


Community Impact Plan - Hunger