Community Impact Plan - Environment

This blog is the last blog in our Community Impact Plan Blog Series. Previously covered in this blog series:

1st Step Children -

2nd Step Hunger -

3rd Step Health -

The last and final step of the Beyond the Field Community Impact Plan is the environment. The impact which can be made in the environment is pretty evident to many. There is a ton of work around the country and world being done when it comes to this topic. With that said, there is still an impact waiting to be made in your local community. Here are a few ideas:

Reduce, reuse and recycle. We’ve all heard it before, but it became a central part of our impact at the University of Kansas. One of our players who was an environmentalist sciences major calculated how many bottles our players used to hydrate. When we found out this enormous number he concluded the addition of more  recycle bins around the facility would go a LONG way. This was one small way one of the players showed us how we could impact the environment.

Look good, feel good. Educational campuses are some of the most beautiful places around the world. This beauty can not be kept up by itself. Unfortunately, there is a lot of waste on campuses. Having a campus clean up initiative will help create some support by others to keep the environment aesthetically beautiful. 

We live on earth at this time and it’s important that we take care of our home. There are many amazing environmental organizations who provide multiple sustainability programs for communities. Research them, join in their mission. Make this world a better place. 

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The PD Pod - Behind The Pause


Community Impact Plan - Health