The Player Development Conference


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Let’s go! If you’re reading this you may know last week I announced I will be hosting a Player Development Conference. (If you didn’t hear the announcement, go listen here: HUGE NEWS - The Player Development Conference) This is something that has been on my mind for about three years now.

Personally speaking I wanted to first create a model like the one DFOs (Directors of Football Operations) have created at the annual AFCA (American Football Coaches Association) Conventions. They get space and meet for two or three days, professionally developing as they go over topics and situations they faced the previous season. In the quest to get a set up like theirs, I was given a “start up” opportunity to hold a panel of player development professionals at the 2020 AFCA Convention. We took the opportunity to communicate the ins and outs of the role. Thank you Mikado Hinson, Kevin Washington and Roosevelt Boone for joining me. This was a huge first step as we engaged some members at the convention. Later in 2020 when COVID hit Roosevelt Boone hit me up and said I should hold Zooms meetings for the Player Development group. I began getting every email I could of those in player development and we began having some very productive meetings which provided incredible collaboration during COVID. Even with those two initiatives I felt there was still a space for us to develop deeper. Outside of The Player Development Pod (, there was still an opportunity to create a place where the player development profession can grow to the next level.

Here we are, THE CONFERENCE IS COMING. It will be in Spring of 2023, most likely May, but we’ll get the specific date to you here in the new year. Here is the structure of The Player Development Conference:

  • Virtual conference

  • Friday evening/Saturday morning and afternoon set up

  • 10 Sessions


  • 2 Networking Opportunities 

I am setting this up to not be a philosophy of player development conference, but one where we dive deep into the MULTIPLE facets of the role. My goal is for everyone who attends to walk away with tangible and practical takeaways to help them in the role or prepare them for the role. YOU WILL GROW FROM THIS CONFERENCE.

For those who like the interrogative word or question word format here you go:


  • This conference is for anyone who is in the player development role/field or interested in player development. All are welcome. 


  • See the previous paragraph for information on the conference structure. If your question is what will I gain, I will state this again: you will walk away from this conference with tangible and practical takeaways to help YOU  in the role or prepare YOU for the role.


  • See the previous paragraph for information on the conference structure.

  • Spring 2023

  • Friday evening/Saturday morning and afternoon set up


  • See the previous paragraph for information on the conference structure.

  • The conference will be virtual. You can attend from anywhere you like EXCEPT your restroom. I kid, but y’all know somebody who does it.


  • I am passionate about this space and this profession. As this field grows I believe it is paramount to continue to provide development opportunities for those in these spaces. 

I want to give a shoutout to Ashley Goodman (Development Is Coaching - Ashley Goodman - The Player Development Pod), who is also very passionate about a conference. I appreciate her passion for this profession and her insight in helping set this up. 

There it is, the plan is in motion and I am excited. Thank you so much for reading this blog. Once again, please join The Player Development Mailing List here: 

Listen to The Player Development Pod here: 



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Player Development Pod Season Two Review


Gus Felder - 3 Takeaways