Lamonte Winston - 3 Takeaways

Creating and producing the Player Development Pod has been a great joy for me. I spoke in detail about this in a blog post. (

Season One’s purpose was to provide education and insight about the player development profession. Season Two’s purpose was to highlight those who do the work in the player development space. There are many different titles these guests hold, but the common denominator is they all help enhance the lives of athletes.

I have enjoyed getting to hear the work these incredible professionals provide for those under their influence. One thing I’ve done personally for my growth is take away three things from our conversations. I’ve shared these takeaways on social media but wanted to expand the reach of these gems by bringing them to the blog space.

This #3Takeaways blog highlights Lamonte Winston. Here is a link to our conversation:  

Enjoy the below takeaways.

1. Taking Responsibility to the Next Level

As expressed in the podcast episode Lamonte was an admin assistant with the Chiefs when an executive dropped off a VHS with this new initiative from the National Football League (NFL). The VHS was about Player Programs, Lamonte took this initiative, enhanced it, and became a pioneer.

2. Endurance and Consistency

Building “meaningful relationships” takes time and trust is built through consistency. Lamonte spoke on advice he has for those who come into the field with the newest thought processes, books, and research. At the end of the day building meaningful impactful relationships takes time and trust.

3. You Have To Laugh

There are a lot of serious matters you deal with in the Player Development role. Laughing is not to take the issues of others and the organization light, but to ensure you can keep clarity and focus on your mind. In my time in this role, it can be tough to not take the challenges of others on yourself, like Lamonte laughing allows me to keep my mind clear, enjoy each day and provide a positive influence of confidence to those I influence. There are also many funny moments and times to laugh and not take yourself too seriously in this role.


Player Development Advice: “You can’t effectively communicate what you need for your players if you haven’t clarified your why.”


Follow Lamonte Winston here: Twitter:


Thank you for reading this blog. Have a wonderful day. Go out and create generational impact. Do not wait, CREATE that generational impact TODAY! 


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