10K Plays - What I Learned About Podcasting

I love podcasts. I began listening to podcasts in 2016 when I was commuting to work in Houston. I was looking to personally develop myself and searched for some leadership podcasts to listen to. Little did I know an entirely new world of growth and learning personally and professionally. 


As time went on, I began to appreciate the specific niches these podcasts provided. As my commute grew longer in minutes during my time in Kansas, I began to listen to podcasts created by my peers in the sports industry. I thought to myself I would love to podcast one day. Well after receiving podcast equipment from my wife for Christmas 2021, I found myself with ample time to get this done early in 2022. (Read more about how I was afforded this time here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/terminated-without-cause-reflections-edward-jones-ii/)


I reached out to the podcast mentor himself, Jonathan Jones. He put me through elite education and training to have create and produce a successful podcast, one that impacts many. I was nervous at first and wondered if anyone would listen. Would anyone support me? I was BLOWN away by the support given to me in a time I needed it the most. Now, TEN THOUSAND (10K) plays later I wanted to take time to reflect on my first seasons of podcasting. 


Here are the three takeaways I have from my first two seasons of podcasting:

1. Consistency breeds creation.


I wanted to create a show which would educate, enhance, and provide resources for the player development space. When thinking of the structure of the podcasts I landed on weekly shows because many of the podcasts I love are weekly. This is what I committed to, and I was not looking back. Writing out these episodes and having the deadlines set every week forced me to create material. As time went on it became easier and honestly, I began creating so many episodes I had to slow down. I will let you in on this little secret: I have episodes ideas and structured for the next year. Showing up every week knowing I had to create content opened stretched me as an innovator and visionary. I do not know who needs to hear this BUT stay consistent the creative breakthrough is coming.

2. Zero in on your niche.


This was something that honestly was hard for me at first as I know player development can help every sport. But the reality of my career is I have only done player development for Division 1 college football programs. I was told this multiple times by many creators, but it was tough for me as I did not want to miss other opportunities. NOW, I am focused on providing elite content when it comes to the experiences I have had in this space. Those outside of my experiences will come as time grows, but with binoculars you get the greatest clarity when you isolate one object. I am in no ways on any level with Michael Jordan (YET), but he has college football programs playing games in gear with a basketball player on it. I do not know who needs to hear this but focus on what you are best at, and opportunities will come from spaces you do not expect. 

3. Someone is ALWAYS listening or watching.


One of the hardest parts of podcasting is receiving feedback. No matter how many times you tell people to subscribe, like and leave a review they never match with the analytics of views or listens. I now understand why my favorite podcasters add this in all their episodes. The way I felt without external actions is this reaching anyone. Are there any people who aren’t my friends listening to the podcasts? Are students listening? Are professionals listening? 


Every now and then I would get a random email or message from someone saying they love the podcast. This was shocking as the reviews and likes do not portray this. This reminded me to continue to create the content as SOMEONE was being impacted by the podcast. I do not know who needs to hear this, but DON’T STOP someone is ALWAYS listening and watching. One of my favorite verses always reminds me of this, Galatians 6:9 “So let us not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we do not give up or quit.” 


Quick shoutout to those who do subscribe, like and leave a review for podcasts. If you have done this for The Player Development Pod THANK YOU! This truly means more than you know. I have begun leaving reviews on podcasts, videos, at restaurants and services that request reviews. 


Thank you for your support of this blog and the podcast. If you have not listened yet please do, here is the link: https://linktr.ee/btf_program. Let me know what you think.


If you’re interested in podcasting, please reach out to Jonathan Jones here: https://www.getpaidwithpodcasting.com/optin1662156284915. I am thankful for what he has done for me personally, professionally and for my podcast passion. 


Thank you for reading this blog. Have a wonderful day. Go out and create generational impact. Do not wait, CREATE that generational impact TODAY! 


Listen to The Player Development Pod here: https://linktr.ee/btf_program 


Visit: https://www.btfprogram.com/   



Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/BTFProgram  

Subscription: https://anchor.fm/playerdevelopmentpodcast  



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