Dr. Lacee’ Carmon-Johnson - 3 Takeaways

Creating and producing the Player Development Pod has been a great joy for me. I spoke in detail about this in a blog post. (https://www.btfprogram.com/blog/10k-plays-what-ive-learned-about-podcasting)

Season One’s purpose was to provide education and insight about the player development profession. Season Two’s purpose was to highlight those who do the work in the player development space. There are many different titles these guests hold, but the common denominator is they all help enhance the lives of athletes.

I have enjoyed getting to hear the work these incredible professionals provide for those under their influence. One thing I’ve done personally for my growth is take away three things from our conversations. I’ve shared these takeaways on social media but wanted to expand the reach of these gems by bringing them to the blog space.

This #3Takeaways blog highlights Dr. Lacee Carmon-Johnson. Here is a link to our conversation: https://youtu.be/Km6EnpC5lhk

Enjoy the below takeaways.

1. Authentic Leadership

Dr. Lacee’ talked about it when introducing herself, her leadership style is based on serving others. As she mentioned in the episode “what I do is not who I am”. This #LCJGem is so needed in our world. Leaders have greater impact when they understand who they are. She shines being herself and allows others to do the same. Great leaders not only model growth, but they allow others the space to grow as well.

2. Mastering Transition

Dr. Lacee’ has done many things in her career as expressed in the episode. She shared adaptability and flexibility are two of the transferable skills from her time as an athlete, that have helped her in her career. She has literally done it all, touching every sport in some way. Currently she does some work educating and developing student-athletes’ transferable skills.

3. Ultimate Teammate

If there was an assist champion in the sports industry Dr. Lacee’ would earn that crown. In the episode the term teammate was brought up multiple times. My best teammates in life always looked out for what’s best for others. This is who Dr. Lacee’ is at her core. I can attest to this, as can many others. When an elite leader sets themselves and their priorities on being a great teammate, the impact is immense and deep.


Player Development Advice: “Don’t take for granted the space that we are in. We have the opportunity to support these athletes on a day-to-day basis.”


Follow Dr. Lacee’ Carmon-Johnson here:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MRScoachlacee

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laceekins/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lacee-carmon-johnson-ph-d-80726316/


Thank you for reading this blog. Have a wonderful day. Go out and create generational impact. Do not wait, CREATE that generational impact TODAY! 


Listen to The Player Development Pod here: https://linktr.ee/btf_program 


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