How does a smaller program create player development?

One of the common questions I get after talking about player development, is how can a smaller program with few resources create impactful player development? Every time I hear this question, I understand its validity. I can hear the helplessness of the question as it is said by those who are passionate about impact.


No matter if you’re at: FBS, FCS, DII, DIII, NAIA, JUCO, HS, MS or Little League you can create a player development program that creates generational impact. The solution to fewer program resources is taking advantage of the following resources that most programs have available to them.

  • Campus Resources

  • Collegiate Conference/School District resources

  • Community Resources

  • City and County Resources

  • Alumni Resources


Campus Resources


Most campuses, if not all campuses have resources that are readily available to all who are students and staff on that campus. The campus will have many professionals that are on the university payroll to create programming for all who attend. This programming can range from welcome back, mental health awareness programming to career preparedness. The career programming was what I was most familiar with during my time as a student. There will be a career center on most college campuses, most high schools now have staff members on campuses dedicated to career exploration and planning. Universities will hold career fairs for all, while different departments will hold them for the students majoring in their study. The events are various, and you could pick the programming that would benefit your student-athletes the most. Focusing on and participating in programming on campus will strengthen the program ties with those on the campus. This will also be financially smart for the programs as you will not come out of pocket for resources. 


Collegiate Conference/School District Resources 


Like campus resources the presiding entity of your program(s) will have available events to impact your players. If high school campuses don’t have a career prep professional on their campus the district will have an individual or building dedicated to teaching many skills. With the expanse of Zoom and other video conferencing platforms there’s an array of information given at events. The conference or school district will have the resources to come to your campus and help create an event to enhance the skills of your players. It would be beneficial for a staff member to reach out to those individuals in the conference/district office to see what they are doing and how they can help. 


Community Resources


The community is your program’s home and who they represent when they compete. There are plenty of individuals in the community who are more than willing to provide multiple resources that would ensure the players they are cheering for get developed beyond the field. There could be panels, clinics and other gatherings that can help ensure the development of players. Community events could also help create fundraising opportunities for your program. 


City and County Resources   


The city and county that your program is in can play a huge part in the growth of the players in the program. Government officials and departments can aid in the access and influence that your programming can have. The city and county aren’t going to turn down being involved in transformational experiences for your players. They have many creative individuals and the power to make things happen to the benefit of your program. They provide programming for all the citizens under their jurisdiction to benefit their wellbeing, take advantage of that. 


Alumni Resources


This is your most passionate and bought in group. YOU MUST ENGAGE YOUR ALUMNI! Especially those who were players for the program. Those who attended the school are very important to engage also. Alumni bases are one of the best ways to level the resources that one may not have when it comes to player development. Not only does your alumni base have a diverse group of professionals, but it is the easiest and most ready mentor group you can have. They will pour so much of themselves and their careers into your players. Engaging the alumni creates a renewed spirit of commitment as your alumni all over the city, state, country, and world know that they have a part to play in the development of the young men in the program.


Player development is NEEDED in every program. I hope this blog helps those programs who may believe they are at a disadvantage. YOU CAN DO IT; GO DEVELOP YOUR PLAYERS!


More player development ideas can be found in my book: 


I may have the topic for Volume 2. Hmmmmm…….


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