Starting in Player Development - Do Your Research

How do I get into player development?

I am asked this question weekly. Honestly have about five hundred conversations and talks around this question. Because of this I wanted to ensure I created avenues for those interested in player development to take steps towards this role.

This blog is part one of the five part Starting in Player Development series. In this blog I am discussing the first action one must take to position themselves to get in the player development role.

The correlating podcast series is here: 

The first step is: Do You Research.

Researching the player development role is the main thing you must do if you are interested in this position. 

The first thing to cover in your research is the role itself, its function, and its impact. You must know what you are getting into. The pictures and videos you see on social media are nice but do not tell the whole story of the role. 

The second thing you must cover is researching those who are in the role. Find out who is serving in this role. In researching who is in the role, research the things they have done. Listen to what they say about the role, how they describe the things they do. You can find these by searching YouTube, and other podcasts platforms with search options. The people you are researching have talked about this role somewhere. Season Two of The Player Development Pod was dedicated to talking to those in the role. Listen to them here: 

The third thing to do while doing your research is to research those in the role, congratulate them on any accomplishments they have made. They will appreciate it, trust me. It will allow for a chance for you to show you have done your research and will ease your access into connecting with this person in the role.

There is no secret formula to getting into player development, but I know this five-part series will help ensure you are on the best path to the role.

Part two of this blog series we will talk about creating and having a plan for player development.

Listen to The Player Development Pod here: 



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Starting In Player Development - NOBODY CARES, Until You Have A Plan.


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