8 Qualities/Skills I Am Looking for in Hiring Process

As I have said before in many of these blogs, I have been a one-man player department since I began in the Director role in 2016. At the University of Kansas, I had a rock star assistant in Lauren Hawkins, now currently at Arkansas, but she was only part time. It has been a goal of mine to be able to hire a full-time staff member to assist me in creating generational impact.


WHEN I am given the opportunity to hire someone to the staff, these are the 8 things I am looking for in that person:


Relationship builder

  • As stated in an earlier blog, this is the skill that you must have in player development. This is critical to be effective, especially working as a team to help the student-athletes. If the student-athletes see a difference or inconsistency in how the player development staff builds relationships credibility will be lost. To effectively work with the responsibilities that will be given, this person will have to genuinely build and care for multiple people. This one is non-negotiable.


  • This space evolves daily, monthly, and yearly so being fresh on topics and the needs of the student-athletes is huge. The need to grow as a professional in this space is pivotal to success in creating impact. In my time as a director, I have seen players respect staff members that eagerly continue to learn and don’t come off as know it alls. The learning that can happen can cover a multitude of topics, but it is the action of continuous learning that is appreciated.


  • The various daily cultures have an external impact on how our athletes see their day to day. This could be team culture, campus culture, university culture, city culture or state culture. Either way the lens that our athletes look through is calibrated towards the ways things happen in many different areas. This creates a beautiful opportunity to create and implement necessary programming and procedures in a unique way that connects with the athletes. In this role you can’t pull out the program you did 2 semesters ago and do it the same. Working with someone who can create innovative ways to achieve the fundamental goals is extremely beneficial. 


  • Communication is the key to all relationships. Being a good communicator is imperative to success in the role that I would hire. Clearly communicating the vision, purpose and goals of a program is a huge factor in success. Communication among others in the player development space is needed for efficient work. The person that I would hire would have to understand that clear and constant will allow for growth in all parts. Effective communication with the player development staff, coaching staff, football staff, athletic staff and most importantly student-athletes creates a smooth operation and experience for all involved. Communication happens in many ways, but the person in the role understanding its importance and necessity is appreciated.


  • The Bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). In my 12-year professional career I have seen the effect words have in athletes positively and negatively. Some of the saddest moments in my career has been seeing those in power belittle athletes and staff. There are enough obstacles in every one’s life, tearing someone down has no benefit in life. To work with me you must be a natural encourager, someone who wants to see the best in everyone.  Someone who wakes up every morning looking for an opportunity to build others up. Someone who is there to help others see the ability they have in themselves. These athletes go through a lot, being a student-athlete is hard. I refuse to hire someone who will add hardships to their plate. This role is and will continue to be a great place to encourage the next leaders of the world. 


  • This is one of my weaknesses, but I am getting better at it. This is a huge positive attribute for the person I would hire. Being organized and thorough in player development helps alleviate obstacles that can get in the way of impact. Having someone who is extremely organized and detailed will help the effectiveness of the player development initiative greatly. As a learner, seeing someone who’s organized and detailed helps me create new ways to ensure I match the effort and energy of said individual. I have been blessed with organized interns and they have made the job of creating impact easier.


  • I am a HUGE idea person. With coming up with so many ideas the one skill that I am purposely focusing on is finishing/executing the plan. I know that I would work great with someone who can see the idea but put in the steps needed to make the idea a reality. Having someone who is execution focused will make the goals, visions, and purposes of the department visible and felt by so many. 


  • The person I would hire has to be a lover of people. There is no success in this role if you don’t love people. The love for others is the fuel that allows one to get up every day to put efforts into someone else's success. Loving others cost a lot but is a cost I’m willing to pay with others who love. 


There it is the 8 qualities/skills I am looking for WHEN I have the opportunity to hire someone.

Thank you for checking out this blog. For more information on player development the Beyond the Field EBook can be found here: https://www.btfprogram.com/btf-program-resources




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