Interested in Player Development? Here’s what you need to know.

You are reading this blog because player development interests you in some way. There is something about the role that makes you want to know more. Well, you came to the right place, below are things you need to know about the player development position.


It is a fulfilling role

  • When done correctly and when given the correct responsibilities this role is one that allows you to see many wins in others’ lives. If you get into this role to truly see the developmental impact on others lives you will see the small fruit off your labor soon and often. There are challenges like any role, but I have had plenty of moments of fulfillment in this role.

It doesn’t look the same everywhere

  • When thinking of my career in player development, I feel like a chameleon. I have had three different experiences with the same title at each school. The impact you will make in this role is based on the vision and direction of the Head Coach and certain administrators. There have been pros and cons at each place I worked at, but the commonality of them all is the differences I’ve had in roles/responsibilities. When I connect with my colleagues across the country, we all understand that the work is different at every university. If you’re blessed to enter this space, be prepared for an experience that may be a little different than you expected. There are still opportunities to create impact, you will have to be strategic in making those opportunities happen. 

It’s an all-access position 

  • In this role you will have access to everything that deals with the student-athletes. Workouts, study halls, practices, sports med, academics, games, travel and recruiting events. When I first got in the role, I was shocked at how I was welcomed to literally everything that our student-athletes were doing. I had some experience with access to players from my HS coaching days (practices, workouts, etc.), but I didn’t realize how much additional access I would receive in this role. This access to the student-athletes is critical as you can sow seeds into a productive relationship. If you get the opportunity to be in the role don’t take the access for granted and use it for impact.

It will be an enigma to some of you staff 

  • The player development role at the collegiate level is a role that’s still in the growth stages. As I spoke about earlier, the role looks different from so many other programs. So, you will have coworkers that don’t understand what you do or in some cases why you’re there. Honestly, this has been a tough part of the role, but you can’t let it steer you off the purpose you have in being there. As time goes on, they will understand and appreciate your role, if you’re doing it the right way.

  • P.S. - if I got $20 for every time someone called me another title, I would literally be able to pay for a small vacation for my family. The most common position I’m called is Director of Player Personnel, it was in the media guide at one university I worked at. Ha. 

It provides an incredible opportunity to create impact

  • You have the opportunity and access to truly impact the lives of the student-athletes. You will have incredible conversations with them that will allow you to know them and discover ways to benefit their life. They will help you grow and will give your ideas on how to make a difference in the role. You will have an opportunity to help the student-athletes achieve goals that they set for themselves. You will be able to help break generational obstacles and hindrances and help them realize new paths in life. It is truly a beautiful position that allows for many chances to do the right things in the lives of others. 

It will most likely be a one-person department

  • This is my sixth season in the role and as stated in previous blogs, I have yet to have someone else in the player development department. That’s a reality that many people in this role face. As other departments expand, this is one that continuously gets overlooked. There is hope though as some football programs are starting to expand. I hope that I will be able to see that personally one day, but I understand that for the current time I will hold it down for the foreseeable future. 

It will be heavily involved with academics

  • At every university I’ve worked at I have been tasked as the academic liaison for the football program. This has been an exciting yet challenging responsibility as you are helping young men achieve new heights in the education and knowledge they receive. There is no feeling like seeing a student-athlete understand that they can achieve greatness off the field. The multiple conversations about graduation, education and realizing they can achieve are some of the bests you will have in this role. The other reason it's one of my favorite responsibilities in this role as I have worked with and met many incredible academic professionals in college football. Education is a path to multiple opportunities in life and helping student-athletes with this is rewarding.

It can be the catch all position

  • This role, because of others understanding, can be the catch all for responsibilities and tasks in the football program. Since some don’t understand your role or what you’re doing, when given the opportunity to delegate a task off their desk they may give it to you. In this role I have been given tasks that help relieve others to handle greater things. Although I am a team player and love serving, this can be disheartening at times as you may not be asked if you’re working on something at that time. The. The task given to you may not be one of importance and can at times be done by a student worker. I have and still struggle with this from time to time, but it is a reality of the position. When others don’t understand what you do or even want to do, they will put things that they think you should do on your “plate”. 

It will help you create relationships with alumni

  • This is an underrated experience in this role. I have been able to meet and know many former players from the programs I’ve worked with. These former players will be some of your and your department’s biggest supporters. In my experience former players understand the importance of this role and will work with you in any way possible to help those who are in the helmets they once wore. Any successful player development program in the country has a very impactful former player program. In your former players you have mentors in life and in business. The student-athletes receive much needed support as they achieve the goals the former players once had. If you’re blessed to be in this role, please please please create relationships with former players.

It is a crash course in leadership

  • In this role you will learn so much about your leadership. You will find out new areas of servant leadership and how you can grow. You will be around coaches and administrators and will learn many things about leadership, good and bad. You will meet individuals on campus and see the impact their leadership has on others. If you are the same leader that you were when you started in the role, you have done yourself a disservice. This role has taught me so much about leadership and the consequences it has on all under the influence of those leading. I am a better leader in life because of this position.


Thank you for your interest in player development, I hope that I was able to help you learn more about the position. Thank you for reading this blog. Read more blogs here:


For more information on player development the Beyond the Field EBook can be found here: 


On The Road: Away Games + Player Development


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