My Ideal Player Development Staff

Hey Ed, whenever you get back in player development I want to be a part of your staff? I have been fortunate to have this conversation with professionals over the last few years. With that said, I never had a staff in my player development career, so I had to sit down and create my ideal player development staff.

There has been a 483% increase in player development staffs since I began in player development in 2016. There were six staff with more than one person in the role in 2016, now there are 35. I detailed this growth and other player development growth in this blog:

If I were fortunate to hire the staff that I wanted without restriction I would hire the following positions to help me develop athletes.

Two Full Time Employees

Director of Community Impact and Director of Career/Professional Development

I would hire two other professionals at the director level. One of them would be responsible for the community impact of the department and the other would be responsible for career/professional development. They would have full ownership of those initiatives and I would support them as they enhance the experience of the athletes. I would negotiate salaries for them which would allow them to create impact for two years, after two years I would want to have developed them enough to run their own player development department. 

One Graduate Assistant

Alumni Engagement Coordinator

I would hire a GA who would help with all the initiatives in the player department. Their focus would be alumni engagement and they would collaborate closely with me on this VITAL initiative. They would support the other two full-time employees and the community and professional engagements. They would have the opportunity to replace the full-time employees who have left to lead their own programs. 

Two Paid Interns 

These two interns would help support everyone in the player development department. They would be given the opportunity to begin planning programming six months to a year before it happens. This will allow them to learn project management, while giving them enough time to get constructive direction and make changes if needed. They would have the opportunity to move into the graduate assistant position or full-time employee position.

So, there it is, this would be my ideal player development staff if I were able to hire the full department. It would be six of us creating generational impact in the lives of the athletes under our influence. 

I really hope you enjoyed this blog. If you are reading this blog and want to get in a player development role, I would like to provide value to your journey through my Guide to Player Development Course here: 


Player Development Resources:

Guide to Player Development Online Course: 

Player Development Guide eBook: 

Head Coaches Guide to Player Development eBook: 


 Check out my podcast episode on this topic here:  


Listen to The Player Development Pod here:   





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