How Much Can You Make In Player Development?

Salaries and Player Development

At first, I did not want to write a blog and create a podcast episode on this topic, but if I am going to be the place you go for your player development resources then I must talk about it. 

DISCLAIMER: Before I start, I want to say this if you are looking to get RICH from working in player development, do not even waste your time. There are many other professions that pay more and allow you to work less hours and no weekends. So, if you are not in it to impact the lives of others, find something else. 

I will talk about these salary numbers through gains and losses throughout my career. I will discuss exact numbers during my podcast episode this week. 

University of Houston 

Early 2016: - $23,000

I came from being a HS Coach into the player development role and took a massive cut to begin my career in this role. This was a significant cut at the time, but I knew with my work ethic and my skill set I would be able to gain these losses back. 

Late 2016, 2017, 2018: + $10,000

I literally got this raise from cleaning out my office during a time when my Head Coach Major Applewhite thought I was going to Texas with other staff members that left with Coach Tom Herman to Texas. Crazy story, make sure you listen to the podcast.

University of Kansas

2019, 2020: + $10,000

We were fired at Houston as a staff after a 8 win season. Kansas called me, I interviewed and became the Director of Player Development there. I was able to negotiate the increase in salary and if not for COVID I would have been able to negotiate another increase. 

Baylor University

2021: + $40,000

I was able to get an incredible promotion and opportunity at Baylor, this was my first time in the role with an assistant athletic director title. Baylor did not work out as I thought it would and I learned from there to make sure I signed a multi-year contract from then on. 

As you can see, I was able to gain back what I lost in the initial pay cut I took to begin in the player development role. 

This podcast episode will dive deeper into this salary topic:

I really hope you enjoyed this blog. If you are reading this blog and want to get in a player development role, I would like to provide value to your journey through my Guide to Player Development Course here: 


Player Development Resources:

Guide to Player Development Online Course: 

Player Development Guide eBook: 

Head Coaches Guide to Player Development eBook: 


 Check out my podcast episode on this topic here: 


Listen to The Player Development Pod here:  





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If I Started Over In Player Development …