Head Coaches Guide to Player Development eBook

I hope you’ve enjoyed the podcast series “Head Coaches Guide to Player Development” on The Player Development Pod. I wanted to start the year off helping head coaches or coaches in general, learn more about the player development position. The impact of player development only goes as deep as its support of the head coach.

I have worked for coaches who have understood how player development can help and I’ve worked for some who didn’t fully understand. If you are a coach reading this I hope this series has enlightened you on the benefits of player development. 

In preparing for this series, I had the thought of “Hey. let me create an actual guide as well.” Well, the guide is HERE. This blog is here to share with you what to expect from the actual guide. 

The goal of this guide it to:

A. Define player development

B. Explain the impact player development can have on a program

C. Give advice on three different situations a head coach may experience in staffing this role

D. Give a reflection of what the player development department wants the head coach to know

If you are a head coach, an inspiring head coach or know a head coach, please get your copy today. This book was written to help coaches impact their program.

Get your copy of The Head Coaches Guide to Player Development here: https://www.btfprogram.com/btf-program-resources/p/head-coaches-guide-to-player-development

Thank you for reading this blog.

Listen to Head Coaches Guide to Player Development series here: Head Coaches This Is Player Development - Head Coaches Guide

The Player Development Conference

In a previous blog I announced that I will be hosting a player development conference in spring 2023 (https://www.btfprogram.com/blog/the-player-development-conference). If you would like to join the player development conference mailing list, please use this link: https://forms.gle/hFDybaVRS4LX8VUj7 

The Player Development Pod Survey

Did you enjoy Season One or Season Two of The Player Development Pod? Please fill out this survey: https://forms.gle/wXSHs5AZHNTtmCun7 

Listen to The Player Development Pod here: https://linktr.ee/btf_program 

Visit: https://www.btfprogram.com/   


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Hiring Player Development


Creating A Player Development Program