Head Coaches Guide to Player Development

Welcome to 2023!

I am so excited to begin SEASON THREE of The Player Development Pod. Typing those words just now is truly amazing and I can’t thank you enough for the support you've given me the past year. (Season One and Two)

This year we are starting it off with the “Head Coaches Guide to Player Development” series. I am excited about this series as I am catering the first five episodes of the year to head coaches. Player development’s impact can only go as far as the support of the head coach. With this reality, I wanted to make sure head coaches had a better understanding of player development. I’ve said multiple times on my show how player development can help a program, now we will dive deeper into the topic. The part I am most excited about are the episodes covering three different scenarios head coaches may see in their role in regards to creating, hiring and having someone in place in regards to player development. This series is for ANYONE who wants to dive deeper into player development. It’s truly a series about program development.

Below are the episodes in the series and what we will cover:

Part One - What is Player Development?

Part Two - Player Development Impact on the Program

Part Three - Scenario One: Creating a Player Development Program

Part Four - Scenario Two: Hiring Player Development

Part Five - Scenario Three: Player Development In Place 

I will also be releasing a Head Coaches Guide to Player Development ebook during the series. You will get more details on how to purchase this resource in the episodes.


Here are some episodes on the podcast where I talked about creating player development programs and how they can impact programs,

How to Create A Player Development Program For High School Athletics

How To Start A Player Development Program

How Player Development Helps Athletic Programs

How To Begin A Career In Player Development


I want to dive deeper into player development with you, so I am beginning subscriptions. With your subscription you will have access to episodes which go into greater detail on the subject of player development. For this series, I will discuss the following in subscription episodes:

  • My Player Development Interviews (Five)

  • Player Development Programming Meetings with Head Coaches

  • Recruiting Visits and Player Development Presentations

My goal with these subscription episodes is to give you deeper access into player development. The link to subscribe can be found here: https://anchor.fm/playerdevelopmentpodcast/subscribe 

The Player Development Conference

In a previous blog I announced that I will be hosting a player development conference in spring 2023 (https://www.btfprogram.com/blog/the-player-development-conference). If you would like to join the player development conference mailing list, please use this link: https://forms.gle/hFDybaVRS4LX8VUj7 

The Player Development Pod Survey

Did you enjoy Season One or Season Two of The Player Development Pod? Please fill out this survey: https://forms.gle/wXSHs5AZHNTtmCun7 

Listen to The Player Development Pod here: https://linktr.ee/btf_program 

Visit: https://www.btfprogram.com/   


Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/BTFProgram  


Twitter - https://twitter.com/BTF_Program  

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/btf_program/  

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BTFProgram  

Tag on Social: #ThePDPod #BeyondTheField


What Is Player Development?


Player Development Pod Season Two Review