Fall Camp - Tip Four - Prepare For School

FALL CAMP has begun, and this is the beginning of the most pivotal time for your team before the season.

This blog is the third of a blog series where I will be sharing my fall camp player development tips from my time in the role.

TIP #1: Stay on top of the daily schedule.

TIP #2: Check on ALL the newcomers

TIP #3: Have a system of checks.

TIP #4: Get ready for school.

Fall camp is finished or ending. You have seen players compete daily for the last four weeks. The depth charts are set, and it is now time for the regular season.

With the regular season coming this means school will be in session as well. The fall semester is about to begin and the student will be added back to the athlete.

In the Player Development role, you can create a great start to the semester for your athletes. The best way to do this is to take time with your players, specifically your freshmen/newcomer group, and make sure they know what is expected of them. This can include the following:

• Academic schedule and requirements

• Class location

• Parking

• Campus expectations

There are many areas of preparation which can be added to this list. Setting your players up for the first couple days of school can and WILL create a semester of impact on and off the field.

Have a GREAT beginning to the semester.

If you would like more guidance in the player development role, email info@btfprogram.com and let me know how I can champion your player development journey.

If you are interested in the Player Development Guide Course, click here: https://forms.gle/5KgcujWqPgq8eNYq6


TIP #1: Stay on top of the daily schedule.

- Blog: https://www.btfprogram.com/playerdevelopment-blog/fall-camp-tip-one-know-the-days-schedule

- Podcast: https://youtu.be/hpbZ8bbOcAc

TIP #2: Check on ALL the newcomers

- Blog: https://www.btfprogram.com/playerdevelopment-blog/fall-camp-tip-2-check-on-all-the-newcomers

- Podcast: https://youtu.be/SZwGqhbc8KU

TIP #3: Have a system of checks.

- Blog: https://www.btfprogram.com/playerdevelopment-blog/fall-camp-tip-3-do-not-forget-your-system-of-checks

- Podcast: https://youtu.be/Mv_y9OyyLtI

TIP #4: Get ready for school.

- Podcast: https://youtu.be/DjnIcA8pY70

Listen to The Player Development Pod here: https://linktr.ee/btf_program

Visit: https://www.btfprogram.com/


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Tag on Social: #ThePDPod #BeyondTheField


Back to School - First Days, First Weeks


Fall Camp - Tip Three - DO NOT Forget Your System of Checks