Biggest Challenge to Player Development

I recently had a conversation with someone in the player development space and we talked about how as the need for support of athletes is glaring their department was being trimmed down. It is an honest situation that many in this space have seen. When the work that is done by the many in the athlete development is needed the most, the support doesn’t meet the demand, more importantly the NEED.

After this conversation, this disheartening situation brought me back to a blog I wrote a year ago about how support is a glaring obstacle in player development. Please take time to read here:

I am revisiting this issue and writing this blog because the person I had a conversation with suggested I record a podcast on it. That podcast is here:  

The biggest challenge to player development is SUPPORT.

The major reason player development is not supported in the way it should be on the collegiate and professional level is MONEY. The work of those in this field is great and coaches and administration may like it, but this work does not put buts in seats and raise ticket prices. (I could debate this, but for the sake of this blog I will leave this alone for the future.) 

Sports are BIG MONEY and unfortunately it is bringing in increased money yearly. Those in power at these levels are about the bottom line and this qualitative work can be hard to value for those who need numbers. 

  • For those interested in quantifying player development, let’s connect and talk about my Quantifying Player Development workshop

With all this said, do not be discouraged there are a few professional organizations and collegiate programs who truly support player development and I thank them for it. The growth of those in this field is evident and I will touch on this later in the year. 

Whether in the role or looking to get in the role, know the support will not look like what is/was promised, but the seeds of impact you sow in the lives of those under your influence will GROW. 

I support you and am thankful for you. 


Listen to The Player Development Pod here:   





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