You can do it. You are able. You are needed.

You can do it. You are able. You are needed.

As we begin a new academic year I wanted to take some time to encourage those who are in the player development, student-athlete development, player engagement or player relations positions.

You can do it. You are able. You are needed.

You can do it.

God has placed you where you are because he trust that you can and will impact those he has put under your influence. Remember that you are created with specific skills to sow seeds in others lives. As you grow and meet other people and learn new ideas, never lose the unique qualities that make you the best person for the position you’re in at the moment. Lift your head up, take and deep breath and walk boldly in your lane. YOU CAN DO IT.

You are able.

You are able to grow, you are able to lead, you are able to create generational impact. With the understanding that you can do it, you must now understand that you are able to take your skills to the next level and grow your sphere of influence. No matter what you face, no matter the resources, no matter the support, YOU ARE ABLE to change the trajectory of the lives of so many. YOU ARE ABLE.

You are needed. 

No one can create an impact like you can. There is a student-athlete that can only be impacted by you. There is a staff, athletic department and university that is not the same when you are not around. Fight through the doubts with the truth that your presence, your ideas, and your personality are needed for success to happen. You may not hear it often or if at all, but you play a HUGE role in the success of the student-athlete. YOU ARE NEEDED. 

To those who are looking to get in the roles to impact the lives of student-athletes. The following 3 statements apply to you as well: You can do it. You are able. You are needed.

You can do it.

It may look hard and there may not be many positions out there to join this work. Don’t give up, keep pursuing, keep connecting, and keep creating. It will payoff in due time. Don’t let fear climb in. YOU CAN DO IT.

You are able.

Maybe you’ve been on many interviews and are thinking that maybe you can’t do this work. Stop that thinking because it is a lie. You have prepared, you are passionate about people and understand the impact you can make. YOU ARE ABLE.

You are needed.

As I said earlier, don’t give up. You are needed in this space, trust me you are wanted by so many on CFB staffs. I have had conversations with other player development professionals and we would take all y’all. This space is growing, and impact is always welcomed. YOU ARE NEEDED.

Many times in my career I have found myself in need of encouragement as I serve daily and do many things that go unnoticed. By now if you’ve read any of my blogs you know that I am extremely passionate about this role and the impact it can have. As with any passion in life, everyone may not feel that same way. So I want to make sure I lift up, encourage and inspire those in our space. Keep coming in everyday with incredible effort, energy, and excellence. Your actions are changing the world for the better. 

At the Beyond The Field Program our mission is to focus on the following areas:

  1. Student-Athlete Impact

  2. Player Development Education

  3. Athletic Professionals Support

  4. Individual Inspiration 

If you want more information, please email us at


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