Why Generational Impact?

It has been my goal in life to impact others' lives. I don’t know what I can trace the beginnings of this passion to. Maybe it was my growing up in a big family. Maybe it was me constantly getting picked by teachers to help them. Maybe it was my grandmother’s prayers. Whatever it may be, I have had this drive to help people better their lives in different ways.

Graduating from the University of Houston in 2009, I didn’t know what I wanted to do to start my career. I graduated with a Sports Administration degree knowing that I wanted to work in sports but not knowing where. During my time in college, my mother and former coaches kept telling me that I should look into teaching and coaching. This message from those I love and respected was constant, them stating that I would be a natural. One Sunday at church, a pastor spoke a prophetic word that I would be a father figure to many. That was the confirmation I needed to step out and see what this teaching and coaching world would be like.

“A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.” -Billy Graham

I enjoyed my 6 years as a high school coach and the opportunity to impact the lives of so many young men and women. The daily opportunity to pour positive affirmations into an impressionable life was a responsibility I didn’t take for granted. 

In 2016, I was overjoyed to have the opportunity to join the University of Houston’s football team and continue to make this daily impact on collegiate athletes.In my role as the Director of Player Development, I felt that it necessary to build a program displaying how we would develop the student-athletes during their time on campus. Beyond The Field (#BeyondTheField) was the name I chose for the program. I chose this title because I believed that this illustrated to coaches, players, recruits and families what our focus would be. 

Now it was time to define the overall purpose. I wanted to choose a purpose which would have an affect on student-athletes who dedicated their efforts towards the #BeyondTheField. With this purpose we would be able to communicate with student-athletes the things they would achieve. 

To the drawing board I went in search of this purpose.The theme that stuck out to me the most was the thought of making an impact that could reach multiple generations. When I finished I picked GENERATIONAL IMPACT as the ultimate purpose for #BeyondTheField.  

In choosing generational impact as the overall effect, it was a conscious effort to create a ripple effect of change in the lives of our student-athletes. The goal in creating generational impact is that the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are thankful for the opportunities afforded to them by the efforts of those who decided to make an impact greater than themselves.  As a man of faith, I am aware of the generational curses that have strongholds on many. Growing up and going through college I identified these generational barriers in my life and made sure that I gave the effort needed to reverse these curses. This program would allow me the chance to help others create new paths of impact for themselves and other generations in their sphere of influence. 


Here’s how the BTF Program can help YOU.